
Zhouxuan Xiao (Graduate Student Member, IEEE) received the B.E. and M.S. degrees from Chang'an University, Xi'an, China, in 2017 and 2020, respectively. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in the School of Geospatial Engineering and Science at Sun Yat-sen University, Zhuhai, China. His research interests include Image processing and 2D/3D planetary mapping


Papers on peer-review journals:

[15] Chaohua Ma, Yuan Li, Junying Lv, Zhouxuan Xiao, Wuming Zhang, Linshan Mo. “Automated Rock Detection from Mars Rover Image via Y-shape Dual-Task Network with Depth-aware Spatial Attention Mechanism”. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2024

[14] Yuanhe Yu, Zhouxuan Xiao, Lorenzo Bruzzone, Huan Deng. “Mapping and analyzing the spatiotemporal patterns and drivers of multiple ecosystem services: A case study in the Yangtze and Yellow River Basins”. Remote Sensing, 2024

[13] Yuan Li, Zhouxuan Xiao, Chaohua Ma, Linzhou Zeng, Wuming Zhang, Man Peng, Aiguang Li. “Extraction and Analysis of Three-dimensional Morphological Features of Centimeter-scale Rocks in Zhong Landing Region”. JGR-Planets, 2023

[12] Yonghui Xin, Ran Wang, Xi Wang, Xingwei Wang, Zhouxuan Xiao, Jingyu Lin. “High-Resolution Terrain Reconstruction of Slot Canyon Using Backpack Mobile Laser Scanning and UAV Photogrammetry”. Drones, 2022, 6(12), 429

[11] Yichen Wang, Zhiyong Xiao, Rui Xu, Zhouxuan Xiao, Jun Cui. “Dark spots on Mercury show no signs of weathering during 30 Earth months”. Communications Earth & Environment, 2022, Springer Nature

[10] Zhouxuan Xiao, Linzhou Zeng, Yuan Li, Jie Shao, Chaohua Ma, Wuming Zhang, Man Peng. “High-Precision Measurement of 3-D Rock Morphology on Mars Using Stereo Rover Imagery”. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2022, Vol.19

[9] Zhouxuan Xiao, Licheng Ma, Wan Jiang, Ran Wang, Yuyan Yao, Jie Cai, Jingyu Lin, Lu Li. “Grenville-age orogenic event along the northeastern margin of the Quanji massif, NW China: constraints from ~1.1 Ga migmatite”. Geosciences Journal, 2020, 24, 249–266

[8] Ran Wang, Jingyu Lin, Lu Li, Zhouxuan Xiao, Yonghui Xin. “A revised orientation-based correction method for SfM-MVS point clouds of outcrops using ground control planes with marks”. Journal of Structural Geology, 2021, 143, 104266

[7] Yuanxiu Hui, Rang Wang, Lu Li, Jingyu Lin, Zhouxuan Xiao, Yonghui Xin. “The timing of barleik formation and its implication for the devonian tectonic evolution of western junggar, NW china”. Open Geosciences, 2021, 13(1), 188-196

[6] Licheng Ma, Wan Jiang, Zhouxuan Xiao, Zongxing Li, Bo Peng, Junjie Hu, Min Dong. “Discussion on the depositional timing of the Zhabusagaxiu formation in the eastern Qaidam Basin”. Journal of Geomechanics, 2020, 26(6):961-972

[5] Jiaopeng Sun, Wan Jiang, Licheng Ma, Zhouxuan Xiao, Early Permian Strata Exist in the Olongbluk Block”. Acta Geologica Sinica - English Edition, 2019, 93: 481-482

[4] Lu Li, Ran Wang, Jingyu Lin, Zhouxuan Xiao, Yuanxiu Hui. “A Novel Approach for Extraction of Ripple Mark Parameters Based on SfM”. Sedimentary Geology, 2019, 392, 105523

[3] Ran Wang, Jingyu Lin, Bo Zhao, Lu Li, Zhouxuan Xiao, Jürgen Pilz. “Integrated Approach for Lithological Classification Using ASTER Imagery in a Shallowly Covered Region—The Eastern Yanshan Mountain of China”. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2018, vol. 11, no. 12, pp. 4791-4807

[2] Ran Wang, Zhouxuan Xiao, Jingyu, Lu Li, Wenling Cui. “The Diverse Tectonic Background of Boudinage Structures”. Geotectonica et Metallogenia, 2018, 45(5):777-785

[1] Zhouxuan Xiao, Hui Li, Rukuan Chai. “Well productivity formula in low permeability reservoir with threshold pressure gradient”. Petrochemical Application, 2016, 35(9)

Papers on academic conferences:

[6] Zhouxuan Xiao, Ran Wang, Jingyu Lin, Wuming Zhang. “Outcrop-scale Yardang Geometric Analysis using SfM-MVS Point Clouds in Hami Area, NW China”. The Third Symposium on Space Earth Science, China, 2020

[5] Zhouxuan Xiao, Ran Wang, Yuanxiu Hui, Jingyu Lin, Lu Li. “Integrated Approach for Calculating the Mineral Assemblages and Oxide Percentage of Crystalline Rock based on Object-Based Image Analysis and Electron Probe Microscopic Analyzer”. IEEE International Conference on Image, Vision and Computing (ICIVC), 2019, pp. 109-113

[4] Yuanxiu Hui, Zhouxuan Xiao, Ran Wang, Jingyu Lin, Lu Li. “Feature Extraction and Analysis of Zircon Cathodoluminescence Images Based on Multiscale Segmentation”. IEEE International Conference on Image, Vision and Computing (ICIVC), 2019, pp. 114-117

[3] Jingyu Lin, Ran Wang, Lu Li, Zhouxuan Xiao. “A Workflow of SfM-Based Digital Outcrop Reconstruction Using Agisoft PhotoScan”. IEEE 4th International Conference on Image, Vision and Computing (ICIVC), 2019, pp. 711-715

[2] Lu Li, Ran Wang, Jingyu Lin, Zhouxuan Xiao. Yuanxiu Hui, Wei Zeng, “Arbitrary Oriented Outcrop Section Measurement Using 3D Point Cloud”. IEEE International Conference on Image, Vision and Computing (ICIVC), 2019, pp. 193-196

[1] Jingyu Lin, Ran Wang, Zhouxuan Xiao, Lu Li, Weihua Yao, Wei Han, Baolin Zhao. “Application of backpack Lidar to geological cross-section measurement”. Proceeding of SPIE 10605, LIDAR Imaging Detection and Target Recognition 2017, 106050J (15 November 2017)


[2] Li, Yuan, Xiao, Zhouxuan, Ma, Chaohua, Zeng, Linzhou, Zhang, Wuming*, Peng, Man, & Li, Aiguang. (2023). DEM, rock point clouds, and 3D morphological features of Martian rocks in the landing region of Zhurong rover (1.0) [Data set]. Zenodo

[1] Ma, Chaohua, Li, Yuan, Xiao, Zhouxuan, Zhang, Wuming, Mo, Linshan, & Li, Aiguang. (2023). SimMars6K (1.0) [Data set]. Zenodo


[2] 林靖愉, 王冉, 惠元秀, 辛永辉, 李路, 肖宙轩, 刘源. “基于NED坐标系向量旋转的SfM点云校正方法”.中国发明专利, 2020

[1] 王冉, 林靖愉, 李路, 肖宙轩, 惠元秀, 辛永辉. “一种用于SfM三维建模的加载激光无级比例尺的永平指南针”. 中国发明专利, 2019

🏆Awards & Scholarships

  • 2023 - Scholarship, 3rd place Scholarship of Sun Yat-sen University
  • 2022 - Scholarship, CSC
  • 2022 - Scholarship, 2nd place Scholarship of Sun Yat-sen University
  • 2021 - Scholarship, 2nd place Scholarship of Sun Yat-sen University
  • 2021 - Award, Champion of Volleyball match in Zhuhai Campus, SYSU
  • 2021 - Award, 2nd place of Basketball match in Zhuhai Campus, SYSU
  • 2020 - 1st Place, High-precision Map Contest in the National LiDAR Conference
  • 2020 - 2nd Place, Point Cloud Classification Contest in the National LiDAR Conference
  • 2020 - Scholarship, 3rd place Scholarship of Sun Yat-sen University
  • 2020 - Outstanding Graduates Awards of Chang’an University
  • 2019 - Scholarship, National Scholarship for Graduate Student
  • 2016 - Merit Student Awards of Chang’an University
  • 2015 - Scholarship, National Endeavor Scholarship for Undergraduate Student