Research Datasets

MarsRock3D: DEM, rock point clouds, and 3D morphological features of Martian rocks in the landing region of Zhurong rover

Rocks on the Martian surface and their three-dimensional (3D) morphology record the geological evolution of Mars and its interaction history with outer space. China's Zhurong Mars rover has traveled on Mars for nearly 2 kilometers and obtained a wealth of data, enabling the fine-scale measurement and morphological analysis of 3D Martian rocks. With 178 high-resolution Zhurong NaTeCams stereo images acquired in rings covering large circular areas, we extracted 6,185 3D rocks from centimeter-scale to meter-scale distributed along the traverse of the Zhurong rover using an automatic approach. This dataset includes the digital elevation model (DEM), extracted rocks in point clouds, and the 3D morphological features of rocks derived from the Zhurong NaTeCams images, obtained in six areas along the traverse of the Zhurong rover.

SimMars6K: 6000+ Simulated Mars Rover Images

Due to the lack of actual Mars rover image data and the high cost of manually labeling training samples, we created a simulated Mars rover image dataset, SimMars6K, containing 6,325 pairs of images covering different terrain types with pixel-level annotations. This dataset was created using the OAISYS simulator developed by the German Aerospace Center, based on the open source software Blender with its rendering engine and programmable Python API. Referring to the Navigation and Terrain Camera (NaTeCam) of China's Zhurong Mars rover, the stereo camera is set 1.2 meters above the surface with a baseline of 270 mm, a field of view (FOV) of 46.5°×46.5°, and an image resolution of 512×512. In addition, this dataset also contains corresponding depth images, two-level semantic annotations, and instance segmentation masks that can be valuable for studying various algorithms, including those for the Mars rover's terrain perception, navigation and localization, and path planning.